Julius Sculpture & Art History
To Students:
As we transition to new online learning, please use the schedule below to keep up with current assignments/projects, due dates, links, and other important resources for your success in the class. Most our our work will take place on Microsoft Teams and the information needed to access that will be provided in the space below as well. I imagine that there will be some bumps along the way, but as they come we will adapt and figure things out together.
WEEKLY OFFICE HOURS: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Monday and Friday via an open channel on Microsoft Teams
You would use this for very quick responses as I will be live via video and comment feed to respond to you in real time.
OTHER CONTACT: Anytime via this website (under the more tab) or school email (JuliusJ@issaquah.wednet.edu)
You would use this if there is a question or concern that you have in which you do not need an instant answer, you do not want to bring up in an online chat forum, or you are unable to meet during my office hours.
I am very proud of all of your work! I hope you are too...great job!
June 1st through June 23rd
Monday June 1st
You are now on to the final item for the year in this class...your art portfolio! I have decided to post the entire plan from now until the end of the school year. Today, go through the Final Portfolio Presentation
Tuesday June 2nd
Spend your time today collecting photos of your artwork
Wednesday June 3rd
Continue collecting photos of your artwork
Thursday June 4th
You should have all of your photos by now and today you can arrange them on the second page of the "Sculpture Final Portfolio" document.
Friday June 5th
Continue with arranging your images on the word document.
Monday June 8th
Today you should begin working on your artist statement for the final. Read through all of the directions a couple of times so that you know what you are doing. (This is page one of the "Sculpture Final Portfolio")
Tuesday June 9th
Today you should finish your artist statement.
Wednesday June 10th
Hopefully you are finished with your final art portfolio. Today you can go through your Skyward grades and make sure you have all missing assignments turned in.
Thursday June 11th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments.
Friday June 12th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Seniors...this your final day to turn in any work/projects/etc.
Monday June 15th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Tuesday June 16th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Wednesday June 17th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Thursday June 18th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Friday June 19th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
JUNE 23RD ALL WORK IS DUE! Have a great summer!
WEEK of May 25th through May 29th
Monday June 1st
In this final full week of lesson, I want to expose you to a variety of art movements that exploded after pop art. Today we will look at Minimalism which is an extreme form of abstract art that came out of the 60s.
Go through this presentation at your own pace and notes: Minimalism Art
Tuesday June 2nd
If you have taken my sculpture class or other art classes here at Skyline you have probably experienced writing an artist statement. This serves several purposes, but one in-particular is for your teacher to get an idea of the concept behind your work. This becomes the focus of an art form out of the mid 60s to mid 70s known as Conceptual Art.
Peruse through this web-page from the Tate museum. Read through a few of the art examples and the concepts behind them.
Wednesday June 3rd
Contrasting the previous two art movements is photo-realism (my preferred art form in the work I do). Today I want you to view this video from the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Consider how this form was accepted and rejected by various groups and their reasoning behind their thoughts.
Thursday June 4th
Of the three art movements you looked at this week, choose one piece of art from each that you like the most or find the most interesting (so...one Minimalist, one Conceptual, and one Photo Realism). These should NOT be a piece from the video, presentation, or website that I provided you...you need to research one on your own. Paste an image of each one along with proper citation and write one paragraph (for each) about how to fits within the movement. This is your final project (will go in the final exam category)!
Friday June 5th
Continue work on Final Project
Monday June 8th
Continue work on Final Project
Tuesday June 9th
Continue work on Final Project
Wednesday June 10th
Hopefully you are finished with everything needed. Today you can go through your Skyward grades and make sure you have all missing assignments turned in.
Thursday June 11th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments.
Friday June 12th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Seniors...this your final day to turn in any work/projects/etc.
Monday June 15th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Tuesday June 16th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Wednesday June 17th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Thursday June 18th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
Friday June 19th
Continue work on any missing or late assignments
JUNE 23RD ALL WORK IS DUE! Have a great summer!
WEEK of May 25th through May 29th
Monday May 25th
Memorial Day - No Classwork
Tuesday May 26th
The goal of this week is to complete the Visual Pun "Final and Artist Statement" that is located on Microsoft Teams files.
Spend 25 minutes working on your project and/or completing the "Final and Artist Statement."
Wednesday May 27th
Spend 25 minutes working on your project and/or completing the "Final and Artist Statement."
Thursday May 28th
Spend 25 minutes working on your project and/or completing the "Final and Artist Statement."
Friday May 29th
I have office hours today from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM.
Turn in your finished project with the artist statement for the Visual Pun Project. You will need to send this to me in an email with the subject line of (Your class period, your name, final visual pun)
WEEK of May 25th through May 29th
Monday May 25th
Memorial Day - No Classwork
Tuesday May 26th
Continue your Pop-Art assignment from last Friday (if you do not remember this, look back at the directions from Friday). This and your T chart from last week are due tomorrow (Wednesday)
Wednesday May 27th
Today is a work day for the Masterpiece Art Project. The due date for this project is now set for Monday June 1st...which gives you 3 more days!
What I need in order to give you credit is the following items by June 1st:
1 high quality, straight and level image of your finished artwork. There should be little no no excess "frame" around your artwork...in other words, you are trying to only get your artwork in the image.
At least 2 images/documents that show your process, notes, work, etc. in preparation of this project.
(adjusted from in class) A simple paragraph describing why you created what you did and how it fits within the movement you selected. You are no longer required to follow the longer writing portion that was given in class.
Thursday May 28th
Since your Masterpiece Art Project is due by the first, I want to give you another day to work on that. So, today should be spent completing your Art Project. If you are finished, please check skyward to complete any missing assignments.
Friday May 29th
I am still missing a TON of assignments for you all. I do not want to overwhelm you (we have one more "unit" to cover), but I am more concerned with getting the work that has already been assigned. Please complete this work today during your 25 minutes and turn in asap. Have a great weekend!
Living Sculpture / Bonsai Student Examples
WEEK of May 18th through May 22nd
Monday May 18th
Today you should be working on your "In-Progress Planning Sheet" as you continue to plan and work through your project idea on the Visual Pun. DO NOT EMAIL THIS TO ME UNTIL FRIDAY!
Tuesday May 19th
This is the main week to work on this project. It should be significantly better than your sketch and should be a completed piece of art that fits the requirements of the project. Continue to work on your project and the In Progress Planning Sheet.
Wednesday May 20th
Continue to work on your project and the In Progress Planning Sheet.
Thursday May 21st
Continue to work on your project and the In Progress Planning Sheet.
Friday May 22nd
"In-Progress Planning Sheet" is due today. Email this to me with a subject line of: Your class period, your name, In Progress Planning Sheet.
WEEK of May 18th through May 22nd
Monday May 18th
We are going to focus on Pop Art this entire week. Today, look at the images on the Claes Oldenburg web site, focusing in particular on the following pieces: Giant Clothespin, Ball and Glove, Soft Toilet, and Trowel I. Read the short biography of him on the site.
Why do you think the artist chose these materials to create the piece? Do you think of objects like this as being art? (Write your answers, but save this...you will be adding to it before you turn it all in at the end of the week)
Tuesday May 19th
Today and tomorrow you need to create a document/sheet/etc. that fulfills the following:
Label one side as "ordinary" and the other side as "special"
Go through a magazine, online, etc and find 5 images of items you consider to be ordinary and 5 you consider special and place them in the correct sides of the T chart.
Finally at the bottom, you need to select two of the items you determined to be "ordinary" and write a short rationale about how you could transform them into something "special."
Wednesday May 20th
Continue with the work from yesterday or continue with work for the Master piece art Project (requirements for this project can be found under Wednesday May 6th)
Thursday May 21st
We will be creating a pop art piece soon, but today I want you to read through the bio of Andy Warhol and take a look through his art pieces from the Walker Art Museum in Minneapolis Minnesota. Be prepared to put all of this together tomorrow!
Friday May 22nd
For Popart we looked at examples and artists as well as the idea of taking something ordinary and making it special. For your quick project on Popart, you will need to do the following due by Wednesday of next week (You will have the same assignment to work on for Tuesday):
Find an image of someone famous or noteworthy
Copy this image 4 times (you can do this digitally or physically) and embellish each in a way to make it "special"
Email me a photograph of them completed side by side (Andy Warhol method of repetition.) Also email your T chart from earlier in the week.
WEEK of May 11th through May 15th
Monday May 11th
Today your "Living Sculpture / Bonsai" Project is due. Please email the required pieces to me by the end of the day. Then, read below:
Today you will need to review the presentation titled "Visual Pun Presentation" on Microsoft Teams. You will see a new channel titled as this. Under this channel, you should find the "files" associated with the project and it is there where you will find the presentation.
Tuesday May 12th
Today you need to spend your 25 minutes to read the assignment and work time for the critical response protocol worksheet (similar to the one you did for the Living Sculpture project). Remember, the images you are choosing from for this are the examples on the presentation from yesterday.
This worksheet will be due tomorrow: Wednesday May 13th.
Wednesday May 13th
Critical Response Protocol Worksheet is due today! Email this to me by the end of the day with a subject line of (your class period, your name, visual pun critical response protocol)
Spend the rest of your time working on the planning sheet that is also under the files in Microsoft Teams.
Thursday May 14th
Continue working on your planning sheet today (due tomorrow May 15th). If you finish, you can begin looking over the next project pieces in the files on Teams.
Friday May 15th
Your planning sheet is due today. Turn this in via email as you have been doing with the correct subject line. When finished submitting this, you can start on your project!
WEEK of May 11th through May 15th
Monday May 11th
"I want to experiment with a new technique and form."
Tuesday May 12th
"Nude" (the art you looked at yesterday) is a drawing made by the Surrealist artists Yves Tanguy, Joan Miró, Max Morise, and Man Ray. The drawing was created by folding a paper into four sections, and each participant contributed in turn a section of the figure without seeing the previous contribution.
Today, I want to give you a bit more background on this form of art to connect with the experience you had yesterday. View the videos below and take your own notes on this art movement.
"What is Dada? - From the National Galleries in Scotland
Wednesday May 13th
Today is a work day for the Masterpiece Art Project. The due date for this project is set for Monday June 1st.
Thursday May 14th
As Dada and Surrealism continued throughout the early 20th century, modern art continued to evolve in a variety of ways. Futurism, Constructivism, Abstraction, and Social Protest art all hit their strides. After WWII, American artists (primarily in New York) were pioneering a form of art know as Abstract Expressionism. Today you need to read through the article below taking your own notes. Make sure to take note of the major artists associated with this movement and their contributions:
Also, the following items are due by Monday May 18th:
Art Nouveau Image and Response (from 5/4)
Cubism Art Sample (from 5/8)
Dada and Surrealism Worksheet (from 5/12)
Friday May 15th
Today we are going to look at two very famous painters of Abstract Expressionism: Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock. Now, you may remember seeing a Rothko at the SAM (painting #10 from 1952) and you may have thought this style of painting was a bit simple. You are welcome to your opinions, but watch the videos below today and take note of the techniques used by these abstract expressionist artists!
WEEK of May 4th through May 8th
Monday May 4th
Project Work day today! You should be close to completing your living sculptures or you should be working on final touches that you didn't get to last week.
Tuesday May 5th
Today is the final work day for your project. This means that by the end of today, you should have everything completed and ready for final pictures/video (info for that is on Wednesday and Thursday). Again, you are not turning in anything yet...Friday you may start turning in your Process and Documentation form as well as your images or video of the finished piece.
Wednesday May 6th
Displaying your finished piece for either pictures or video is a crucial element to the overall presentation of the project. The Bonsai Learning Center of North Carolina has put out a very detailed article about how this should be done in various settings. Now, you do not necessarily have a "Bonsai" tree, but the principles of "focal view," "near view," and "distant view" are all part of what you will be doing with your project.
Read through the article on this website paying particular attention to "The Basic Elements" and "Putting it All Together."
"Bonsai Display: A Western Viewpoint"
Thursday May 7th
Now that you have a basic understanding of how you should present your finished piece, today you should be taking the pictures / video for final turn in. Use your time today to put all the information together and get the appropriate shots you want to submit for your project.
Friday May 8th
Today you should complete Part 3: Sculpting/Review of the Process and Documentation Form. Once you are finished with this, you need to email it to me no later than Monday May 11th.
Make sure you are putting the subject line correctly: (your class period, your name, title of the assignment).
Have a great weekend!
WEEK of May 4th through May 8th
Monday May 4th
We are starting with Cubism this week and we are headed back to Africa (since Egyptian Art) to look at "The First Cubists." This is an excerpt from the textbook we would have used in class for this unit. Read through this piece taking your own notes today:
"The First Cubists and Picasso"
Tuesday May 5th
Continuing with Cubism, today you will go through the Presentation taking/adding to the notes you made yesterday. If you felt that the article was a bit too much to figure out, this presentation should lay out all the basics you need to understand Cubism.
You are not required to email me anything for this work. However, Thursday we will have a go at creating Cubist art and you will receive info then!
"Cubism and its Characteristics"
Wednesday May 6th
Today is a work day for the Masterpiece Art Project. The due date for this project is now set for Monday June 1st...which gives you 3 and a half more weeks.
There will obviously be a few changes. What I need in order to give you credit is the following items by June 1st:
1 high quality, straight and level image of your finished artwork. There should be little no no excess "frame" around your artwork...in other words, you are trying to only get your artwork in the image.
At least 2 images/documents that show your process, notes, work, etc. in preparation of this project.
(adjusted from in class) A simple paragraph describing why you created what you did and how it fits within the movement you selected. You are no longer required to follow the longer writing portion that was given in class.
Thursday May 7th
It seems as though there are a number of people behind right now on the assignments (I have been dealing with a substantial number of emails today trying to get everyone back on board and up to date). Due to this, I am not assigning anything new today. Please check tomorrow as I will have a lesson posted with an assignment on cubism.
Friday May 8th
Today I want you to practice/create an example of Cubism! This is not particularly difficult, but you may be surprised at how cool and creative this process is. Follow the steps below and when you are finished email me an image of your Cubist work (by Monday).
Set up a still life using objects similar to the ones that popular cubist artists would have used.
Choose one location to draw from. Draw one of the objects from that direction.
Draw a straight line beside the object and look at the object from another angle.
Start drawing the object from that angle on the other side of the line that you drew.
Continue in this manner until you have broken up the picture plan into an interesting composition.
Define your subjects with contrasting values.
To create contrasting textures, paint and draw in open spaces.
Keep in mind the characteristics of Cubism that you took notes on from the presentation on Tuesday!
WEEK of April 27th through May 1st
Monday April 27th
Good morning everyone. Many of you turned in your critical response worksheets due last week and you may be wondering where your grade is. Mr. Hennig is having a meeting today with teachers to discuss grading, so I wanted to wait to put grades in to make sure I am following what the proper procedures are with this situation. They should be in shortly after this. This meeting is also scheduled during my office hour so I will be pushing my office hour back to start at 11:00 AM and it will go through 12:00.
Work for today and tomorrow are interchangeable. You should complete Part 2 "Gathering and Organizing" of your Process and Documentation Form as well as working on your project. Remember, you do not need to email me your Process Form until the end of the project which is due May 11th.
Tuesday April 28th
You should complete Part 2 "Gathering and Organizing" of your Process and Documentation Form as well as working on your project. Remember, you do not need to email me your Process Form until the end of the project which is due May 11th.
Wednesday April 29th
You should be well on your way to figuring out what / how you are going to put together your living sculpture. Today I want to introduce you to the ancient art of what you are actually doing. I did not introduce you to this word at the beginning because if you only had this term to go by you may become extremely overwhelmed. I am NOT expecting your work to look like these, but this is meant to serve as inspiration for your project.
Similar to Bonsai (focus on one stylized "trained" tree in a root restricted pot), Penjing is a Chinese traditional art-form "depicting artistically formed trees, other plants, and landscapes in miniature." Watch through these videos today and hopefully you will find these art pieces inspiring, interesting, and beautiful! I spent many hours admiring and studying this form of art while I lived in China and it has inspired by own passion for it.
"Making Penjing" - Herons Bonsai - Master Peter Chan
"Penjing in India" - Master Manoj Kumar
"Premna Tray Penjing" - Master Manoj Kumar
Thursday April 30th
Project Work Day - Hopefully you found some inspiration from the videos yesterday! The weather should be alright today and you should continue working on your Living "penjing" sculptures. Here are a few dates to keep in mind as well:
Process and Documentation Form - Friday May 8th
Project Due Date (Images or video) - Monday May 11th
Next Project Begins - Monday May 11th
Friday May 1st
Project Work Day - Next week I will be going over best practices for taking photos or making a video of your project. If you feel that you are finished at this point, use this time to find details that can be polished up. This could be adding moss to areas as ground cover, finding rocks that better suit the overall piece (instead of just random ones you may have found at first), etc.
I will also be on an active Teams meeting as my office hour from 10:00 AM through 11:00 AM. (link is in the box above under "Weekly Office Hours")
WEEK of April 27th through May 1st
Monday April 27th
I want to start Post Impressionism a bit differently today. Typically, the artwork itself gets the glory and the artist's name is merely attached to it, but as we have learned a number of times this year, the life of the artist is often drama filled. This is very true for two of the most influential Post Impressionist painters of all time...Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gaugin. Today you will view two interesting clips from movies about this subject. After viewing these, please email me a short written response answering the following question:
"What do these interpretations of Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gaugin tell us about their personalities and how does this fit with their artwork?" (yes, you might have to research a bit of their artwork)
Tuesday April 28th
You all had great answers, but it was evenly split between those that felt the art reflected the artist and those that felt they were opposite. Post Impressionism brought about an era where "painting transcended its traditional role as a window onto the world and instead became a window into the artist's mind and soul."
Read through this website today and take notes on your own (no need to send them to me). Make sure to include the following:
Who were some of the other famous artists during this movement?
Which two opposing trends developed out of the Post Impressionism movement?
What is pointillism and how does it work?
Which painting is well known for depicting this style?
Wednesday April 29th
Lets take a break today from notes and such on Impressionism and spend some time working on the Masterpiece Art Project. I heard from a few of you last week about if you could meet me to pick up your project, but not everyone who needs to get their's back.
If you do not have your project with you, please email me a specific time you could meet me tomorrow or Friday at the parking lot by the tennis courts (right in front of Skyline).
Thursday April 30th
Obviously our lessons are shorter and do not go as deep into these artists and art movements as I would have liked. My goal for your essential learning during these last weeks of the year is really to introduce you to as much of this as I can...so, that means that we can only spend a short time on each.
On Monday, you were introduced to Post Impressionism, Vincent Van Gogh, and Paul Gaugin. Today, I want to connect Gaugin to another movement in art around the Industrial Revolution known as Art Nouveau. Gaugin was a major influence on this form of art and some of you might recognize other influences (The Great Wave...Japanese woodblock prints were also influential to the movement).
Read through this article and take your own notes. from Florida State University's Museum of Fine Arts.
Friday May 1st
I was speaking with a group of students recently and one of them pointed out the record album collection she had during the zoom call. It reminded me of a great video to tie a few things together concerning art nouveau, the era around the industrial revolution, and how it all came back to life in the 60's (and in many cases today when you look at fashion).
View this video (I think you will find it entertaining as well as informative)
then, send me an email with an image of something you found in your house that exhibits the idea of: "aesthetics + utility...no object is too mundane to be beautiful" along with a sentence or two of how you feel this fits. Have a great weekend!
WEEK of April 20th through 24th
Monday April 20th
At 10:00 AM today, I will activate all classes on Microsoft Teams. Once you are able to get on, please read through all of the directions and watch the 3 videos posted under the channel "Living Sculpture" (files). This is the only thing you are responsible for today! I will also be on an active Teams meeting as my office hour from 10:00 AM through 11:00 AM. (link is in the box above under "Weekly Office Hours")
Tuesday April 21st
Today you should complete the “Critical Response” worksheet from http://omiyabonsai.jp/gardens that is located in the files for the living sculpture project on Microsoft Teams.
Under each garden name (such as 九霞園 Kyuka-en) there is a video for you to view first. When you select a piece of art, you are really just selecting one of the trees/plantings from that garden to reference. Just put the title of the tree species and the approx age in the title of the art. When you are finished, please email it to me with a subject line of:
(your class period, your name, critical response worksheet). Failure to put the subject line correctly will result in your work not being scored...I have many emails coming in each day and need this to organize efficiently.
THIS (Critical Response Worksheet) WILL BE DUE ON FRIDAY APRIL 24TH
Wednesday April 22nd
Your time today should be spent working on Part 1 of the "Process and Documentation Form" for the project. If you are in Sculpture II, you will also need to review the form titled "Advanced Techniques" as you will need to plan that into your overall design. This form is NOT due until the end of the project which will need to be completed by May 11th
(YES, that is the official due date)!
Thursday April 23rd
Project Building Day 1 - today you should spend your time for this class working on gathering supplies (container, tools) / researching more ideas, etc. The weather sounds like it might clear up a little bit this afternoon, but be mostly a dry day tomorrow (so you may want to wait until tomorrow to gather natural materials outside).
I will be grading the work you have sent to me over the weekend. Those of you who have not sent in your work for this week yet should complete it today and email by tomorrow. Make sure you are putting the subject line correctly: (your class period, your name, title of the assignment)
Friday April 24th
Project Building Day 2 - This might be a good day to try and collect some of the plants you will want to use in your sculptures. You should not be "finished" with your project at this point as there are a number of other steps before it is due on Monday May 11th.
I will also be on an active Teams meeting as my office hour from 10:00 AM through 11:00 AM today. (link is in the box above under "Weekly Office Hours")
WEEK of April 20th through 24th
Monday April 20th
We will begin this wonderful online learning journey with Impressionism. These painters truly embraced social distancing by the use of "plein air" painting! Please view each of the paintings below and consider the following: "What can these paintings tell us in terms of social conventions, history, style, politics, economics, and creativity of the time?"
Please email me your answer (one paragraph 6-8 sentences) as well as (this sounds awkward) if you would be willing to meet me at a public location so I can give you your Masterpiece Art Project to finish over this time as well as any other materials you would need in order to do so.
Tuesday April 21st
Now that you have a sense of what might be going on at the time in France, we are going to get some more context in the historical happenings. Complete the following article (due by Friday April 24th):
Interpreting a Time in Impressionism
Wednesday April 22nd
You should be grasping a few of the basics of Impressionism so far...particularly how everyday life and nature are the primary subject matter over biblical, mythical, and wealth related subjects (keep in mind that Impressionism is part of the overarching Modernist movement). Today, watch the video in the link below and consider how this period is impacting society's view of what art actually is. There is nothing due today (unless you have not submitted prior work)
The Case for Impressionism Video Link
Thursday April 23rd
Those who have sent work to me so far have done an excellent job! Over the next couple of days, I want to introduce you to American Impressionism as well as a number of works you should be familiar with. Today, you will virtually visit the Met Museum's American Impressionism Collection. You will need to read through the essay by the curator of the "American Wing" of the museum, Barbara Weinberg, and take notes on how Impressionism developed in America and how it compared to that of the French. After that, there are 11 paintings that you will be responsible for knowing. Look through each and take notes from the exhibit label on each. You are not required to send this to me at this time.
Friday April 24th
I want to round out this week with a few more famous Impressionist artists and some of their work (we will start next week with Post-Impressionism). Claude Monet, Edouard Manet, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Edward Degas, Mary Cassatt, and Berthe Morisot
Read through each of the paragraphs for these artists and make note of at least one thing about them or their work that distinguishes their placement as "shaping the Impressionist movement."